A Mad Tea-Party Trailer

OK Batwoman fans! Tonight's all new episode was incredible! It's been a lovely seven back to back weeks of new episodes but before we get to see the final episode before Crisis on Infinte Earths, we'll have to wait a week. Next week will be a rerun as will Supergirl. That said, it certainly seems like Alice and Mouse have set the stage for their revenge plans to take shape. Even the synopsis for this coming episode gives away very little, could this be the big move Alice has been building up to all season? Check out the trailer below:

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About the Author
Eric Johnston
Author: Eric JohnstonWebsite: https://batwoman.tvEmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Editor-In-Chief / Owner
Eric Johnston is the primary admin of as well as and He's been involved in the entertainment industry for over four years now and enjoys covering DC hero shows.


#2 RE: A Mad Tea-Party TrailerSiggi 2019-11-18 12:03
Seems like a big higlight just before the crisis arrives :_-)
But now 14 days to wait???? :eek:
The horror!!! :sad:
Guess I will watch episode 7 again next monday...
#1 RE: A Mad Tea-Party TrailerRomulus 2019-11-17 19:22
Looks like an action-packed episode. Should be a very entertaining bit of TV viewing! Thanks for posting the trailer here. 8)

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