[Massive Spoilers ahead! Watch the episode before you read this!]
[Massive Spoilers ahead! Watch the episode before you read this!]
Beth or Alice? Or Alice and Beth? This episode (seemingly) gives the answer!
My highlights from this episode (without particular order):
1 – Beth or Alice? Or Beth and Alice? It was an emotional rollercoaster ride, even the outcome was somehow predictable as both can't live on the same earth. The way it happened was the bigger surprise, a really fine twist in the end. Even it isn't 100% clear, how/if Beth's death will affect Alice.
2 – A new villain! Mouse's father August appears in the present timeline! Quite a suprise. It will be interesting to see what his masterplan is. And how he is involved in all that. Why did he kill Beth?
3 – Alice and Catherine! Well, that was a nicccce dialog! :-) . I wondered why Catherine was still in new promo pictures lately....as she was dead already. The dialog between them was intense.
4 – Alice finding Beth! That was a great scene as Alice saw how she could have become if she didn't end up in the basement of that madman! Also Alice learned that that version of her was saved by that other Kate.
Sophie's parts in the episode showed that she isn't like Jacob. She doesn't kill, if there are still other options left on the table. Her dialog with Batwoman was important as she realised that she was becoming just like Jacob who often oversteps the line to get the results he wants. Sophie doesn't think that the result justifies every way, no matter how wrong he may be.
The Batwoman action scene on the bridge was nice. She handled these crows right in time! And the changing license plate was a neat gimmick. Sadly that was the only action scene for Batwoman in this episode.
Which brings me to my biggest negative aspect for this episode. In the last episode (11) there was about 10 seconds of Batwoman in the whole episode. OK, it was fitting to the storyline, as she couldn't reach the batcave to change into Batwoman, but I don't like it. And now...in this episode, we have only two short scenes with Batwoman. So Batwoman was sidelined again. Yeah, both episodes are primarly about Kate and Beth/Alice, but I wished for more Batwoman screentime. After all the show is called BATWOMAN. And that is the primary reason why I watch the show...I wanna see Batwoman in action. Yes, this and the last episode were interesting, important and emotional....but I want more Batwoman! Luckily, judging from the trailer to the next episode, Batwoman will return on the "pitch" and will have much more screentime. :-)
On a sidenote: I hoped for a little explanation why Batwoman has this new cowl, but no info on that.
The action scene with Jacob and Chuck was gritty and brutal! It was only a matter of time until someone would want some payback from Jacob. Prison isn't a safe place, especially for the former leader of the crows ;-) . I wonder what Jacob will have to do to repay his rescuer. I am sure it won't be something he wants to do....
It was a thrilling scene as the crows stormed into Wayne Tower, even there wasn't any real action resulting out of it. Ok, it forced Kate to hide Beth in the Batcave and thereby she was revealed as Batwoman to Beth. And that was important to the next dialog scenes as they talked about the reasons why she became Batwoman in the first place.
Rachel Skarsten did again a fine job in portraying two pretty different characters in the episode! Not an easy task to switch between these two for so often. Especially as a LOT of emotions were involved.
Kate's decision to give Beth the blood from Mary was the right and only logical option. Of course, Alice was her "real" sister from this world, but in the end....Alice is the evil, murderous, psycho version...no matter how tragic her background is. It was the only right thing to do to try to save Beth. Off course, that couldn't happen.....as Alice is THE villain. The show couldn't move on with (only) Beth. I wonder how this whole experience has changed Alice. She learned about the other Kate was able to save that Beth....and she witnessed how Kate decided to let her die. She won't he happy about that! On the other hand....perhaps the fact that she meet Beth...changed her a little for the better?
I am very thrilled about the next episode "Drink me!" that will be shown on february 23rd. As you can see on the promo pictures and the trailer, Nocturna will show up. That vampire had already a big part in the comics, I hope she will be in more than just one episode. If not, it might be a classical "villain of the week" episode. Looking forward how our BAT will handle a VAMPIRE... a very fitting match! :-)
>>> Rating “General:” <<<

(3,5 out of 5 - An emotional, very interesting episode with a new big(?) villain and some nice twists! Sadly, not much from the name giver of the show as Batwoman has only very little screen time)
A good episode with some twists and surprises!
What are your thoughts on the episode?