- Ravansol
- Batwoman.tv General
- Tuesday, 24 March 2020
Just wanted to do a friendly community check in to see how everyone is holding up during this unprecedented time. What are you doing to get through? What keeps your mind occupied? Getting any work or projects you’ve been meaning to do done? My thoughts reach out to all of you and hope this finds you well.
Well, for me as a nerd this whole social-isolation thing is less difficult then for "normal" people. I do miss going to the movies and watching football (or soccer as some call it) with friends. But as I'm into videogames, movies, TV shows.....I always have something to keep me entertained.
And looking forward to the next Batwoman episode is always another positive thing as well.
I wish you folks all the best and that this virus may be contained as soon as possible.....so that everything will be back to normal at one point.
And looking forward to the next Batwoman episode is always another positive thing as well.
I wish you folks all the best and that this virus may be contained as soon as possible.....so that everything will be back to normal at one point.
- more than a month ago
- Batwoman.tv General
- # 1
The city shut down non-essential businesses earlier this month, but I was still able to go to work and school. The shelter-in-place order came down last week, so it's hasn't been long enough to go stir crazy (yet).
I, too, regularly spend a large amount of time by myself (tho I prefer the term geek), so this is nothing new. Got plenty of food to last a good while, altho I may have to venture out next week for cat food. Got friends/family who text or call to check on me and vice versa.
School is going to start up again next week after a two-week spring break, but everything is now going to be online. All of my classes are lab-based and require tools, equipment and supplies that most students don't have at home (and can't afford to get!). So, don't know what that's gonna be like, but that's what's gonna keep me busy. :/
On the bright side, we're still allowed to walk around outside with appropriate "social distancing". So I've been walking the neighborhood everyday, getting sunshine, saying "hi" to my neighbors that are also out walking.
If the rumors are true, and they were filming episode 19 when the CW halted everything, then we only have two more new episodes. Episode 17 airs this Sunday, but I haven't seen anything on Episode 18.
FYI, they are going to re-air Crisis on April 8, 9 & 10.
I hope that after all this is over, that the NEW NORMAL is a more conscientious and compassionate world.

School is going to start up again next week after a two-week spring break, but everything is now going to be online. All of my classes are lab-based and require tools, equipment and supplies that most students don't have at home (and can't afford to get!). So, don't know what that's gonna be like, but that's what's gonna keep me busy. :/
On the bright side, we're still allowed to walk around outside with appropriate "social distancing". So I've been walking the neighborhood everyday, getting sunshine, saying "hi" to my neighbors that are also out walking.
If the rumors are true, and they were filming episode 19 when the CW halted everything, then we only have two more new episodes. Episode 17 airs this Sunday, but I haven't seen anything on Episode 18.
FYI, they are going to re-air Crisis on April 8, 9 & 10.
I hope that after all this is over, that the NEW NORMAL is a more conscientious and compassionate world.
- more than a month ago
- Batwoman.tv General
- # 2
Life for me actually hasn’t changed that much. I’m considered “essential” at my place of employment and my job doesn’t have a “work from home” option, so, I’ve been going to work. Luckily, my job features minimal contact with people anyway so risk of infection is low. Even then, sanitation measures are enforced every hour for precautionary methods. As for social activity, I work at nights so “alone time” is also not a huge adjustment for me. Most of my interaction comes digitally, from chosen family or via friends who stay up late anyway so I suppose that conditioning has already been in place. Still, admittedly, I miss human interaction, I am a cuddly person, but more because I know it calms other people to get a hug than a need for myself to be soothed.
My animal companions are varied. My cats are fine, shocking, my dog is less so. He wants to go outside and run around at a dog park but has to be satisfied with short walks for the moment. We are also allowed to go outside as long as we maintain social distancing, but, aside for the pupper’s needs, mainly stay inside for the afore mentioned reasons. I also don’t want to risk getting anyone sick if I am carrying the virus or have come in contact with it at all. Again, risk may be low but “no risk” is better than “low risk.”
I’ve been productive, working on a few lectures I’ll be presenting (hopefully) in the near future, writing a couple of articles for newsletters, and staying in touch/catching up with friends via social media. My birthday was also this week so I made myself some primo Vegan eats, read Bday cards from chosen family, and watched some movies on various streaming sites and from my extensive DVD/Blue Ray collection. No virtual party, however, since time schedules are off due to my night time hours. I also began realizing how much I miss going to the gym and started planning how I’m going to simulate my work out plan at home.
I am hopeful that some of this bares conversation about our health care systems and making access easier for people in the future. Something more affordable and concentrates on preventative measures moving forward. Also, I hope that showing the world how the environment can be improved by reducing emissions and waste just for a couple of weeks will start moving us toward the utilization of green energy in greater quantities and for more every day purposes. I am looking forward to seeing the show on Sunday, wether it’s new or a repeat. Every time I watch I see something I missed previously.
Glad to see folx hanging in there. We’ll get through it. Hope this continues to find you all well.
My animal companions are varied. My cats are fine, shocking, my dog is less so. He wants to go outside and run around at a dog park but has to be satisfied with short walks for the moment. We are also allowed to go outside as long as we maintain social distancing, but, aside for the pupper’s needs, mainly stay inside for the afore mentioned reasons. I also don’t want to risk getting anyone sick if I am carrying the virus or have come in contact with it at all. Again, risk may be low but “no risk” is better than “low risk.”
I’ve been productive, working on a few lectures I’ll be presenting (hopefully) in the near future, writing a couple of articles for newsletters, and staying in touch/catching up with friends via social media. My birthday was also this week so I made myself some primo Vegan eats, read Bday cards from chosen family, and watched some movies on various streaming sites and from my extensive DVD/Blue Ray collection. No virtual party, however, since time schedules are off due to my night time hours. I also began realizing how much I miss going to the gym and started planning how I’m going to simulate my work out plan at home.
I am hopeful that some of this bares conversation about our health care systems and making access easier for people in the future. Something more affordable and concentrates on preventative measures moving forward. Also, I hope that showing the world how the environment can be improved by reducing emissions and waste just for a couple of weeks will start moving us toward the utilization of green energy in greater quantities and for more every day purposes. I am looking forward to seeing the show on Sunday, wether it’s new or a repeat. Every time I watch I see something I missed previously.
Glad to see folx hanging in there. We’ll get through it. Hope this continues to find you all well.
- more than a month ago
- Batwoman.tv General
- # 3
Finally heard from my instructors today. They're gonna try and move forward with online classes, even for labs. So, I guess I'll be setting up a workspace/studio this weekend with the few tools that I have. Gads, I hope they don't have us write a paper in lieu of a project.
I just ventured out into society for the first time in over a week to pick up unfinished projects from school (instructor had to bring it out cuz I wasn't allowed in), and decided to hit the Whole Foods on the way home. The line outside the store was less than 5 minutes to get in, everyone was courteous, maintained proper distance, all the employees were wearing gloves, and most importantly, I found almond milk! Score! Organic, unsweetened, non-flavored almond milk!! Game!! At a reasonable price!!! Set and Match!!!
Oak pollen hangs like a fog over the city (my car is currently bright yellow, it's normally dark blue), and people are freakin' out cuz they think everyone has the virus.
Every time I sniffled or coughed, I got the stint eye from those near me. I need to wear a sign "It's just allergies". I feel like a five-year-old every time I have to scratch my nose with my sleeve. This rule of not touching our faces was clearly written by someone who does NOT suffer from allergies!
On a more worrisome note, I have a friend who's wife was in NYC just as the **** hit the fan. They're awaiting the test results, but she says her wife is starting to show symptoms. And her elderly mother lives with them.
So, if y'all haven't heard, we should be drinking hot tea and eating hot foods, as it helps kill the virus that may be lurking in our throats. And stay hydrated. I recommend any herbal teas with tumeric, tulsi and/or ginger. And add lots of garlic to any soup or sauce and everything else - it's nature's anti-biotic, anti-bacterial, anti-septic, anti-... oh, hell, it cures everything!
Stay well, my virtual friends!

I hope that showing the world how the environment can be improved by reducing emissions and waste just for a couple of weeks will start moving us toward the utilization of green energy in greater quantities and for more every day purposes.Skies around the world are in fact a little bit clearer right now because of the reduced traffic and so many polluting industries are closed. As for healthcare, I haven't had any for two years on account of being unemployed and it being so expensive. I really do hope this is the wake up call the world needs.
Finally heard from my instructors today. They're gonna try and move forward with online classes, even for labs. So, I guess I'll be setting up a workspace/studio this weekend with the few tools that I have. Gads, I hope they don't have us write a paper in lieu of a project.
I just ventured out into society for the first time in over a week to pick up unfinished projects from school (instructor had to bring it out cuz I wasn't allowed in), and decided to hit the Whole Foods on the way home. The line outside the store was less than 5 minutes to get in, everyone was courteous, maintained proper distance, all the employees were wearing gloves, and most importantly, I found almond milk! Score! Organic, unsweetened, non-flavored almond milk!! Game!! At a reasonable price!!! Set and Match!!!

Oak pollen hangs like a fog over the city (my car is currently bright yellow, it's normally dark blue), and people are freakin' out cuz they think everyone has the virus.

On a more worrisome note, I have a friend who's wife was in NYC just as the **** hit the fan. They're awaiting the test results, but she says her wife is starting to show symptoms. And her elderly mother lives with them.

So, if y'all haven't heard, we should be drinking hot tea and eating hot foods, as it helps kill the virus that may be lurking in our throats. And stay hydrated. I recommend any herbal teas with tumeric, tulsi and/or ginger. And add lots of garlic to any soup or sauce and everything else - it's nature's anti-biotic, anti-bacterial, anti-septic, anti-... oh, hell, it cures everything!
Stay well, my virtual friends!
- more than a month ago
- Batwoman.tv General
- # 4
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