Please show your support for the show vote for Batwoman on IMDB!
*EDIT* ...and on Rotten Tomatoe as well (link in the post below)!
There are many trolls who vote/rate "1 out of 10" to make the show look reallllly bad. And at leat 98% of these "1 out of 10" are trolls who give this absurd rating. Because 1 out of 10 would be the WORST what a movie or TV show could get...and that isn't a fair rating for this show.
You may love it (9 or 10), like it (7 or 8), find it ok (5-6) or don't like it (3-4). But mostly, all ratings below that...are made from trolls....or for movies that are the worst kind of garbage.
So, give a nice vote/rating for Batwoman (after you have seen it)!

Don't let the hate-fueled trolls "win".
It takes only some seconds....
(P.S.: The average is now at 3,9, still bad, but yesterday it was 2,8 - But still a lot of room for improvement!)