Welcome Batwoman fans, heads up, if you didn't catch tonight's all new episode this specific episode will re-air on May 23rd. That means that May 23rd's episode will be a repeat. Tonight's episode welcomed a comic book royalty character, Stephanie Brown. In the comics, Stephanie dawns several hero names, but eventually takes up the Batgirl Mantle! Another name she took on was that of "Spoiler" a move she took to "spoil" her villain father's Cluemaster plans. So that's who's in Gotham tonight! Here's what stood out to us:
- Cluemaster: In the early days of her career, Sophie was able to match wits with Cluemaster and bring him down. We cut to today where he is breaking out. Batwoman is out hunting for Black Mask but she loses her advantage when the Crows arrive. Jacob is still using Snakebite, and Alice is being held at Black Mask's mansion. Sophie, Mary and Ryan all hang out at Mary's place. They discover that Cluemaster has poisoned someone and left a clue for Sophie to figure out before mid-night.
- Working the Case: The girls begin to work the case and follow the clues. Alice is able to free herself and get to a phone. She calls Jacob but Jacob, high on Snakebite, denies her and Kate recaptures Alice. We discover that Sophie never solved the puzzle Cluemaster gave, it was his daughter Stephanie Brown who tipped her off and it's Stephanie who's been poisoned.
- Solving Clues: Stephanie is trapped in a glass box. She's been poisoned. They are able to free Stephanie by solving a puzzle but she's got writing all over her for more clues. Alice starts to plant doubt into Kate aka Cersi, but she wants to know more about Batwoman. Stephanie and Luke begin to work on the cypher. They need to solve it before Cluemaster makes his masterpiece. Sophie, Mary and Ryan head to the old studio where Brown used to film his show and it's a trap.
- Quiz Bowl: The trio of Sophie, Mary and Ryan work to buy more time by playing the quiz Cluemaster prepared. They succeed but only have 45 min. Sophie tells Mary and Ryan she knows Ryan is Batwoman. To save their lives, Ryan tells Sophie how to get into the Batcave. Alice discovers who Black Mask is and offers to make his daughter (actually Kate) a new face. She won't have to wear a mask anymore.
- Betrayal: Sophie heads to the cave where she finds a device the girls need. Stephanie heads to capture her father but when she reveals it was her who broke her father's quiz, he gases her and is willing to kill his own daughter and continue his plan to punish all the winners of his old show. Luke wakes up and gets to Stephanie's rescue before she is killed. Using the grappler, Ryan and Mary escape with Sophie's help.
In the final wrap up moments, Luke and Stephanie take out Cluemaster and he is returned to jail. Jacob is found by two homeless and is taken to Mary's clinic where Mary tries to save him. Sophie and Ryan share a drink and discuss how she discovered Ryan was Batwoman. Alice makes a face for Cersi and we see the new Kate finally! Alice puts the pieces together and finds out that Cersi is Kate!
Let us know what you think in the comments below and in the forum! Don't forget to follow us on Twitter.
Yes to both. I couldn't agree more. The last two episodes were HUGE improvements over the season's start. Even the opening action scenes with Ryan were an improvement-- keep the voice modulator on. I think if viewers take to Wallis--and I really think viewers will take to Wallis-- she will be upped to regular for season 3. Although, Heather Locklear remained a "special guest star" on Melrose Place for her entire run, which was most of the series run... and she became the defacto star.
I really hate they moved the show to a lesser viewed hour starting with these 2 greatly improved episodes.
I was quite certain Jacob answered the call, "Kate"... I need to rewatch the beginning. Perhaps my "Katecitement" got the better of me and it was odd Roman would give her Kate's phone... then again he does like playing with people's minds.
Rachel really rocks this role.
Quoting CatPat: I think Luke will be okay with it, given how much she helped to keep BW2.0's identity safe last week.
Quoting Siggi: That's because KATE IS BACK!!!! [happy dance]
And, too, maybe because the recent episodes have been so much better than those of the first half!
I noticed that Wallis is still be listed as a guest star...
Quoting CatPat: My theory is that because of the death mask Circe was wearing, here eyes were partially hidden. And yeah, I also thought that the skin mask went on a little too quickly, from Alice holding it up, to suddenly fully attached. We've seen her painstakingly apply the glue to hold it in place for others, so ...?
Can be found in the forum now!
By the way: It's really cool that the comment section was quite active the last weeks
Yes, many things took great moves forward in this episode. Wait until Luke finds out Sophie is in the know and gained access to the batcave.
The latter seems likely. Apparent overdoses on snakebite popping up all over Gotham, leading to a zombie-like apocalypse.
I am think the mask may eventually take hold permanently, as her face heals, like a skin graft and it will be Kate's new face.
Will they skin graft her neck and arms too?
The first major thing I noted was that Circe-Kate apparently has Kate's cell phone, as Jacob thought it was Kate calling. It was actually Alice-Beth calling from the phone she took from Circe-Kate. I loved that Alice conveyed fear-sadness-desparation all at once in that single phone call. Daddy telling her she had the wrong number was quite impacted. Rachel just keeps hitting it out of the park.
Second, I really like that they introduced Stephanie Brown and I like the casting. Although, I have been shipping a Mary/Luke coupling, Stephanie may throw a wrench in that happening.
Third, I thought it was fun that Cluemaster gave a shout out to the Riddler.
Forth, loved the way Sophie dropped the bat bomb Ryan and Mary. This was a good play on the girls-night-out trope. It gave all 3 great scenes.
Fifth, I think that Jacob's story is getting interesting. He now will have to deal with his addiction and everything he has lost or thinks he lost. Will he turn the Crows over to Sophie (temporarily)?
Lastly, finally Alice recognized the eyes. I really thought it was going to happen last week. Alice letting Circe know she is not Circe because Circe is dead and she stepped over her dead body at Arkham. Then suddenly realizing Circe is Kate... awesomeness! However, that Circe-Kate mask went on too easily, too perfectly. But, this is comic book territory.
So, Kate is wearing one of Alice's skin masks (I love the irony), based a picture of Circe (that looks a lot like Wallis). I am curious how they're going to explain that, once Kate is healed from the burns and she no longer needs the mask, why she still looks like Circe?
I really liked the Luke & Stephanie geek-flirt! They have a great dynamic together. Yes, let's have more Stephanie in the show!
The interaction between Sophie and Ryan was well done, very organic.
Is Jacob's reaction to snakebite an overdose, or a precursor to next weeks "zombie apocalypse"?