A further jump into the dark past of Alice? Sign us up! Batwoman's all new episode on March 15th is titled "Off With Her Head" and is written by Natalie Abrams. The episode also welcomes back Holly Dale as director. It will cover more of Alice's past and we will see Jacob start up the hunt for Alice again. Mary and Luke, still shocked by the untimely death of Beth are hunting down a lead on her killer! Check out the full synopsis for yourself below!
MOMMY DEAREST – More of Alice’s (Rachel Skarsten) dark past is uncovered when Cartwright (guest star John Emmet Tracy) shares a twisted story with Kate (Ruby Rose) while Jacob (Dougray Scott) goes searching for his wayward daughter. Mary (Nicole Kang) and Luke (Camrus Johnson) follow a lead on Beth’s killer. Holly Dale directed the episode written by Natalie Abrams (#115). Original airdate 3/15/2020.
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I feel like Jacob is looking for Alice. My theory that for some reason Jacob and August will know that Alice still alive and August will kidnap Kate to lure Alice out
And Jacob is searching for his wayward daughter... but... WHICH ONE?!?
I think we're gonna need spelunking gear - sounds like this hole is gonna go pretty deep!
That's funny about the app and definition for sleuthing... I definitely was going for the detective angle. This looks like it will be a very good episode. I am totally enjoying season 1 so far.
I looked up "sleuthing" on the google translator app and it translated it into the german word "schlafen" which would mean "sleeping" in english. I was a little confused about your statement
It will be interesting to know more about Alice's past, I wonder if they proceed until the point where she escapes that basement and how far that storyline goes on in that episode.
And yes, I too look forward how they work together and probably get closer in the process.
Hope for some decent Batwoman action scenes! I am wondering if it is really Kate who comes into contact with August....it would make more sense if Batwoman would confront him...but we will see.