Batwoman Last Seen:
  1. athena69
  2. Sherlock Holmes The Voice
  3. Batwoman Season 2
  4. Monday, 19 April 2021
She baa-aaaack! WHOO-HOO! We now know that Kate is returning.
Alas, Caroline Dries, Batwoman showrunner, has made it clear the Ryan is cemented as Batwoman 2.0. So, where does that leave Kate?!?

First, I think Wallis is a PERFECT choice to play Kate. There's enough physical resemblance to make the switch believable.And any personality differences can be attributed to the brainwashing or PTSD from the accident and being held captive (just ask Alice!)

I think it's interesting that Kate is now going down a rather similar, albeit abbreviated, version of the life Beth experienced. I suspect this will play a huge part in Kate and Alice's future relationship.

With Enimga's brainwashing under Black Mask's direction, I think Kate will come out as a villain for the next few episodes, possibly thru the end of the season. I'd love to see her and Alice team up and wreak havok on Gotham! Given that this last episode spoke to Alice's deep-seated connection with Kate, I am hoping that it's Alice that brings Kate back from the dark abyss.

A lot will depend on whether Kate remembers that she's Kate, or if they (BM & Enigma) have given her a "new" (temporary) persona. On the one hand, why go to the trouble of convincing everyone Kate is dead, only to have her resurface. On the other hand, why kidnap Kate in the first place? Did BM know she was Batwoman? Does he want to use her as his enforcer? Does he want her connections/knowledge as a Gotham billionaire? Is she going to be the new GCPD Commissioner?

I'm predicting that by the end of the season, Kate will be (mostly) back to being Kate, she will give her blessing to Ryan to continue as Batwoman (only cuz Caroline has said it will be so),
and she will adopt a new superhero persona, and the Bat Team will be born. Maybe she'll be Flamebird, since she has risen from the ashes?!? Hopefully, Kate will take Ryan under her batwing and teach Ryan better fighting skills, cuz in the inevitable smackdown between Dark Kate and Batwoman 2.0, Kate's gonna mop the floor with Ryan.

So, before "Black Mask's (guest star Peter Outerbridge) plans for Kate Kane (Wallis Day) begin to unfold" in two weeks, what about the rest of you? Anyone have any expectations, predictions, or 'what if's' they want to share?
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Yeah, it was time for a new, updated topic about it.
Interesting ideas!
I think that Black Mask and Enigma have some evil plan for surprise.
They will use her against the Kane family and/or against Batwoman. Perhaps even against Gotham? Very hard to tell what their evil master plan is....
Kate is then hopefully masked like the other false faces folks and it would be a great thrill to have a battle between masked, evil Kate and Batwoman.
Late in the season Kate then gets unmasked during a dramatic fight and Batwoman and the others will be shocked like hell. :)
But what then? Will they force/persuade Enigma to restore her memory? Is that even fully possible?

Damn, I hope we get some big hints in the next episode :)
[my Blog about masked women in movies, TV, cosplay and comics]
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Batwoman Season 2
  3. # 1
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Late in the season Kate then gets unmasked during a dramatic fight and Batwoman and the others will be shocked like hell.
Strictly speaking, even if Dark Kate gets unmasked during a fight with Batwoman 2.0, it won't matter cuz her face has changed, so no one's gonna recognize her, especially not Ryan! :p It's gonna be someone that knows Kate really well to begin to suspect. I think Dark Kate is gonna do/say things that makes Alice/Mary/Luke/Sophie realize that only Kate would know that, but how can it be Kate, unless..... Kate did go thru 5 years of extreme survival training. It's reasonable to assume that some of that training may have included resisting brainwashing! ;)

Will they force/persuade Enigma to restore her memory? Is that even fully possible?
As we saw in #211, Enigma is smart enough to include a trigger phrase to undo some/all of what she's made people forget, so I have no doubt she's done the same with Kate, possibly even Julia. Hmm... wouldn't it be interesting if snakebite turned out to be an "antidote" to Enigma's manipulations?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Batwoman Season 2
  3. # 2
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[quoteStrictly speaking, even if Dark Kate gets unmasked during a fight with Batwoman 2.0, it won't matter cuz her face has changed, so no one's gonna recognize her, especially not Ryan! :p I

Well, yes to us the face changed big time as Wallis replaced Ruby...but that doesn't mean it has to be like that for the characters in the show. Yes, she seemingly got badly wounded as she resisted those goons on the plane. But does she get a completely new face? A new face that no one will recognize at all?
Perhaps yes, perhaps not.
And what about her voice? Wouldn't some folks recognize her voice?
But well, perhaps they will work on that as well.
[my Blog about masked women in movies, TV, cosplay and comics]
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Batwoman Season 2
  3. # 3
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But does she get a completely new face? A new face that no one will recognize at all? Perhaps yes, perhaps not.

Based on what Caroline has said, I'm betting they (the writers) are going to embrace the fact that Kate is now played by a different actress, so as not to "insult" the audience. If they weren't willing to go for the soap-opera-swap-out at the beginning of the season, why would they bother with the bandages scenes at this point? Now, the characters may see more resemblances between the two than reality, for the sake of the story, but, I very much doubt they'll pretend that this new face is (nearly) identical to the previous one. And unless she walks up and says "It's me, Kate", I don't think anyone is going to immediately recognize her, either. It would be cool if there were "do I know you?" moments before Black Mask's evil plans come unraveled and we get Kate back. ;)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Batwoman Season 2
  3. # 4
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CBR interviews Wallis Day ahead of her debut tomorrow night.

I echo her desire to see a crossover where her Kate Kane meets her Krypton character,Nyssa-Vex,.If you didin't watch Krypton,in the second and final season,it is revealed she is Jor-El's mother.Meaning she is Superman's(and Supergirl's since I assume Zor-El is also her son unless Seg-El hooks up with someone else after Nyssa.General Zod is also Seg's son with Lyta-Zod) grandmother.

I got a kick out of seeing Brandon Routh play his Superman and The Atom in Crisis where he interacted with himself.So I would love to see that with Wallis Day playing Kate and Nyssa in the same scenes.Throw in Tyler and Melissa too as Superman &
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Batwoman Season 2
  3. # 5
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CBR interviews Wallis Day ahead of her debut tomorrow night.
Accusing her of his daughter's murder, {Roman} proceeded to torture her for months,
Uh, what episode was that in?!? I suspected Roman had a personal grudge against the Kane family, but I don't remember it ever being revealed (yet).

I'm excited that she's so excited to play Kate! :D
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Batwoman Season 2
  3. # 6
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I remember him telling Ryan that Kate was responsible for his daughter's death. I also recall Luke telling Ryan it wasn't true as Kate had a no kill policy.

I had read that CBR article also... so excited about Wallis. I can understand having a delay in replacing the character with a new actress to add a bit more explanation to the change, but it seems a permanent costume change was made to keep Kate out of the batsuit in the process.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Batwoman Season 2
  3. # 7
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I remember him telling Ryan that Kate was responsible for his daughter's death. I also recall Luke telling Ryan it wasn't true as Kate had a no kill policy.
Ah, now that you mention it, yeah, I remember the "no kill policy" scene, but not the other. Maybe we'll get more info with #212 tonight!

I had read that CBR article also... so excited about Wallis. I can understand having a delay in replacing the character with a new actress to add a bit more explanation to the change, but it seems a permanent costume change was made to keep Kate out of the batsuit in the process.
Yeah.:( I've given up hope of Kate ever being back in the Batsuit, but I am holding out that she will be a regular cast member going forward (not just a guest star for the rest of season 2; or possibly a recurring "villain" for season 3 while she gets her head on straight), and adopts some other vigilante persona - as long as she's on the show and fighting the good fight!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Batwoman Season 2
  3. # 8
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Yes... it will be exciting to see Kate back and I hope it's a wild ride down the rabbit hole.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Batwoman Season 2
  3. # 9
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[my Blog about masked women in movies, TV, cosplay and comics]
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Batwoman Season 2
  3. # 10
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I think Wallis is getting into her character!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Batwoman Season 2
  3. # 11
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I think Wallis is getting into her character!

Yeah, saw those some days ago.
The last one where is playing with the knife with closed somehow quite sexy for me :p :D
[my Blog about masked women in movies, TV, cosplay and comics]
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Batwoman Season 2
  3. # 12
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  1. more than a month ago
  2. Batwoman Season 2
  3. # 13
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I am glad Willis seems so excited to play Kate Kane.
Nice read. I like that Rachel and Wallis are putting so much into their characters together. It sounds like Kate has a long journey ahead, so hopefully, that translates to: she'll be a regular part of the cast moving forward.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Batwoman Season 2
  3. # 14
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  1. more than a month ago
  2. Batwoman Season 2
  3. # 15
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More from the fabulous Wallis Day...
Ya know, I actually had the thought a couple of times that some crazed look or other she did in #217 were rather Alice-like. Wallis, it seems, is an excellent mimic!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Batwoman Season 2
  3. # 16
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Yeah... I think Wallis can totally pull off the Alice twin aspect of Kate Kane. She's the whole KK deluxe package. I hope the PTB continue to allow her free reigns to fully develop her characterization of both Circe and eventually Kate.

I do think Team Bat will be forced --like it or not-- to reevaluate Alice after dealing with Circe-Kate. With the exception of Ryan, they all REALLY knew Kate Kane and know Circe is no Kate. If someone can turn Kate into a Circe, then Beth didn't stand a chance and she was victimized starting as a child. As Alice pointed out, you don't get this extra without a shove.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Batwoman Season 2
  3. # 17
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RE: Alice-Beth - I was thinking exactly the same thing. And it already seems to be happening - hard-nosed, straight-and-narrow Jacob showed support for Alice publicly! I think once Kate gets a majority of her personality back, more than anyone, she'll be first in line to give Alice a second chance, since she has first hand knowledge of what it's like to have a shattered psyche. All this is, of course, contingent upon Alice not screwing it up again.

And the only way any of this can play out is if they up Wallis to a regular cast member! ;)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Batwoman Season 2
  3. # 18
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It looks like I am no longer fan of Caroline Dries, she has stated, I would never say never because you never know, but for now, that was our farewell to Kate.

This is unforgivable.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Batwoman Season 2
  3. # 19
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It looks like I am no longer fan of Caroline Dries, she has stated, I would never say never because you never know, but for now, that was our farewell to Kate.

This is unforgivable.
Totally agree. I felt a chill stab thru my heart when I read that. :( :( :(
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Batwoman Season 2
  3. # 20
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