They provided a lot of good infos, often before others have confirmed it.
Today I read (translated with google translator from portugese to english):
A cast call for the second season of #Batwoman is unlucky and apparently someone else will wear the heroine's cloak in place of Kate Kane! Check out Ryan Wilder's description (working name):
RYAN WILDER - Woman, in her 20s, any ethnicity. Ryan Wilder is about to become Batwoman. She's adorable, messy, a little funny and untamed. She is also nothing like Kate Kane, the woman who wore the costume before her. With no one in her life to care for her, Ryan spent years as a drug delivery girl, dodging the Gotham police and masking her pain with bad habits. Today, retired and sober, Ryan lives in a van with his plant. A girl who would steal milk for a stray cat and who could kill you with her bare hands, Ryan is the most dangerous type of fighter: highly skilled and wildly undisciplined. Lesbian assumed. Athletic. Raw. Impetuous. Fallible. And it is definitely not the stereotype of the American heroine.
Well, I really hope that someone has made this up!

That would totally change everything!
If Kate wouldn't be around anymore...what's with Alice, Jacob and Mary?
All these relationsships to Kate would be gone....and I would think that would be a damn shame.
Oh man, that would be a drastic gamechanger!
Please, let this be only a rumor!
The comic fans would go completely nuts...and not only them!
If they would do that....I am rather sure the show would be cancelled after season 2.